Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain's Reaction vs. Obama's Plan

John McCain recently claimed that Obama has no plan for fixing the economic crisis we are currently having in this country. This is the John McCain who rashly suggested that firing SEC chairman Chris Cox would be a good start. Never mind that the power to dismiss him is not something the President wields.

McCain responded to the events of last week in such a way that it shows a good insight into his character, especially about how he deals with emergencies. He reacts. And it would appear he reacts without getting all the facts first.

Aside from the firing however, the McCain campaign has been rather quiet when it comes to suggestions on how to fix the problem. Now contrast that with Obama, who instead of blindly shouting for someone to lose their job, spoke with others who had more intimate knowledge on the subject to try and find a solution. After getting a clear picture of what needs to be done, he then presents a 7-point plan to fix the problems found.

There may be time when the right strategy is to shoot first and ask questions later, but not when dealing with the economy.

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